Links to a selection of useful documents are provided below. WBM is always happy to provide assistance with these or any other acoustic guidance documents.
WBM accepts no responsibility for, nor endorses the content of, the documents listed. The links are provided only as a useful resource for visitors to our site.
WBM Client Charter and Credentials
We know that the most important asset we possess is the relationship with our clients, and our Client Charter & Credentials document sets out the importance of these relationships. A copy of our Client Charter can be downloaded here.
Acoustics Ventilation and Overheating (AVO) Residential Design Guide
The AVO Guide aims to assist acousticians and designers to adopt an integrated approach for the acoustic design of residential development within the context of the ventilation and thermal comfort requirements.
Approved Document E 2003 Resistance to the passage of sound
This is Part E of the Building Regulations 2010, which relates to sound insulation and acoustics within houses, flats, rooms for residential purposes and acoustic conditions within schools. An online version of Approved Document E 2003 (incorporating 2004 & 2010 amendments) is available at the following link.
BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM)
BREEAM is an environmental assessment method for buildings with standard schemes available for a variety of developments including courts, healthcare, industrial, prison, office, retail and educational developments. Bespoke assessment schemes are also available for other types of buildings (e.g. leisure complexes).
Building Bulletin 93: Acoustic design of schools- performance standards
Acoustic conditions within schools are covered by the Building Regulations 2010 as Requirement E4. Building Bulletin 93: Acoustic design of schools- performance standards (BB93) 2014 sets out the acoustic requirements of school buildings, and describes the normal means of demonstrating compliance with Requirement E4. BB93 also gives guidance on how to meet the acoustic requirements of the School Premises Regulations (2012) and the Independent School Standards (2013). An online version of BB93 2014 (amended 2015) is available at the following link.
Note that the previous 2003 version of BB93 may be relevant for some assessments, in which case please contact WBM for assistance.
Code for Sustainable Homes
The Code for Sustainable Homes was an environmental assessment method for rating and certifying the performance of new homes, which was withdrawn in April 2015, although may be applicable for legacy cases. For more information please contact WBM.
Court and Tribunal Design Guide
HM Courts & Tribunal Services published a new court and tribunal design guide in 2019.
Note that more comprehensive guidance on designing court buildings is contained within the Court Standards and Design Guide (CSDG). Although noise is mentioned throughout the document, Section 28 sub-sections 29, 30 and 31 are particularly relevant to acoustics. This document has been withdrawn by HM Courts & Tribunals service but has not been formally replaced although is still referred to in other documents e.g. BREEAM 2018. If you have a project relating to the CSDG please contact WBM for assistance.
Environment Agency – Method implementation document for BS 4142
This Method implementation document (MID) sets out the Environment Agency’s requirements for BS 4142 assessments that are submitted for a new permit or varying any existing permit. The links for the MID, and also for the noise and vibration requirements for environmental permits are set out below
Health Technical Memorandum 08-01: Acoustics
This Department of Health guidance document (HTM 08-01) sets out acoustic criteria for the design and management of new healthcare facilities. An online version of HTM 08-01 2013 is available at the following link.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was updated in September 2023 and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England. With regard to noise, the NPPF advises that planning policies and decisions should:
- prevent new and existing development from contributing to, being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by unacceptable levels of noise pollution
- mitigate and reduce to a minimum potential adverse impacts resulting from noise from new development
- avoid noise giving rise to significant adverse impacts on health and the quality of life
- ensure that existing businesses/facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established.
An online version of the document is available at the following link.–2
Planning practice guidance to support the framework with regard to noise is available here:–2
The NPPF also refers to the Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE) published in March 2010 and available here:
Noise Emissions from Minerals Extraction
Guidance on noise emissions from minerals extraction sites is available in paragraphs 019-022 of the Planning Practice Guidance “Assessing environmental impacts from minerals extraction”, see the following link:
Professional Practice Guidance on Planning and Noise (ProPG)
ProPG was published in May 2017 by the Association of Noise Consultants, the Institute of Acoustics and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. It was prepared to provide practitioners with guidance on a recommended approach to the management of primarily transportation noise affecting new residential developments. A copy of the document is available here:
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